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Female. Lives in Oklahoma, United States. Born on December 30, 1992. Is single.

Status Update

Looking for anyones experiences that involve mantis like beings and/or a female octopus type entities.
5 people like this.
uncle martha
Yes hello, an alien feminine octopus jumped me, although given a moment to consent which I did- and it was possibly the most ecstatic sex I've ever had. I had to check myself to see whether or not I needed to clean/ change my daks though it had certainly felt like I'd blown a load I had not, the exp... View More
Like June 9, 2019
i will ask him later and tell you justine 1f642.png
Like June 9, 2019
Alfredo, Yes! It wasnt sex exactly but she was sexual. It was the most love ive ever felt in my life. Like she was telling me/showing me "look how loved you are". She was tossing me around in what i can only describe as inside of her. I believe shes the womb of all life. She was bright orange/yellow... View More
Like June 9, 2019
he said he is not sure if the tunnel was a tentacle. he said the octopus grabbed him and tossed him through it 1f642.png
Like June 9, 2019