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could i use either of these for extract? Thank you in advance. I did look up heat and I think it said their are a few metals in the ingredients... and Santeen says 99% but "1% inert ingredients"
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The santeen says crystal lye, but doesnt show the purity. You want at least 95% pure and hopefully to know the other 5%. Ive used 95%with no issues and willy mycos tek uses 95% pure too (look closely at the vid!). Food safe is the way to go IMO.
Like July 8, 2020
The inert ingredients may be dessicants to prevent clumping and reaction to air/humidity. 100% pure NaOH is available for sale though, this is too important a safety step when making hard psychedelic drugs to skip over out of convenience. This is something you're going to put into your lungs, brain... View More
Like July 8, 2020
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That is trailer park af i love it
Like February 29, 2020
Very nice.....old school you just brought back so many good memories.
Like February 29, 2020
Ahh a nickel is the lowest thatll tickle my pickle sorry not trying to be gross just wanted to rhyme
Like February 29, 2020
Looking for some nice articles about pasteurization and sterilizing when putting Boiling vs PCing to the test, please and thank you!
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I dont quite understand what you are asking. Boiling is pasturizing, Pcing is sterilizing. You can't pasturize by Pcing and you cant sterilize by boil. The reason you can't sterilize by boiling is because water boils at 212°F and that will not kill all the bacteria and mold spores. The more heat you... View More
Like February 23, 2020
Answered a ton of questions thank you so much.
Like February 24, 2020
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