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Human. Lives in Somewhere that is not here, Antarctica.
About Me
Just a fellow head here. Aspiring pharmacology and psychology enthusiast. Prett much just your avera... View More
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Status Update

How do people trip out on DMT to the extent they see full landscapes, are completely dissociated, see entities, and even experience ego death? I’ve attempted many time to achieve such radical effects,... View More
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Please describe to me your experiences. I am fascinated by all of them, very powerful and those smaller. Reasons that I experienced no DMT breakthrough: 1. Unpure substance (color, smell and taste say a lot about subtance, dmt is only % of it, rest is fats and other polutions). 2. Wrong smoking meth... View More
Like September 23, 2020
Alright. Usually i get a very light yellow to white product and do upwards of 100 mg through a vape. I try to surrender myself to the experience as much as possible, so I’m unsure if thats where my problem lies. I’ll try the infused herb method in the next batch of bark i get.
Like September 24, 2020
Well id say at least 60 to upwards of 100 mg at a time.
Like September 24, 2020
It’s not all about a magic bullet a lot of it is about where you are at inside. The deeper we go into ourselves and the more creative imagination we cultivate the further out our experiences go.
Like September 24, 2020