Last night was my birthday, and the past couple of days I've been kind of in a slump. Didn't do anything to celebrate, and let the day pass me by. Before I decided to call it a night, I grabbed my, headphones, Lookah Seahorse and my deems, then went to lie down in bed.
Played this mix to set the mood:
I'm smoking the dmt and really trying to be open to the message I am about to recieve. As I lay back in my bed and pull the covers over my...
So a little backstory, to kick things off. I had DMT one other time, given to me by my dad, but it was a very small amount, doing very little. At this point in my life I was attempting to repair my relationship with my father, who spent more time getting drunk and doing meth than developing relationships with his family. He and I had been talking about my psychedelic use, and how it had helped me with my anxiety and major depression. I had mentioned a DMT a handful of times, always saying it was...