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Male. Lives in Hyde Park, New York, United States. Born on September 1, 2000. Is single.
About Me
I'd love nothing more than to sit on top of the world and enjoy the view. I follow my heart's desire... View More
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Psychedelics have opened wondrous worlds of insight and experience- but now its time to say hello to the experience of life- adult life, and the many challenges ahead on this difficult road. Truly i k... View More
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As has said, you definitely have a literary talent, when you say electrical engineer I do hope you dont mean a domestic electrician doing "House Bashing" or site work, you have far more talents than that. hey Im not knocking Electricians, or am I, They are a much needed in th... View More
Like August 30, 2020
@theonedudeyoudon’tknow YES DUDE WORK YOUR HEART OUT FOR YOUR FUTURE! Psychedelics will only do so much, its up to you to change your life. There will never be a magical coin or key or charm or monkeys paw that will get you what you want. It takes hard work, motivation, and constant focus!! Youre no... View More
Like August 31, 2020
@Sladds oh no when i say Electrical Engineer, im referring more to Inventing. Ive got some crazy ideas that i want to try, and sure i may have to do some house calls to get to that point, but with my motivation, ill get there!! And i dont plan to do anything for life as i told @theonedudeyoudon’tkno... View More
Like August 31, 2020
@Lord_Voldemort Thanks dude- cool username btw
Like August 31, 2020