LUCIFER CREATES A COUNTERFEIT UNIVERSE. The existing universe was created by the Paal Taal under the direct guidance and supervision of God. If it took God to fashion the universe, then how could Luci... View MoreLUCIFER CREATES A COUNTERFEIT UNIVERSE. The existing universe was created by the Paal Taal under the direct guidance and supervision of God. If it took God to fashion the universe, then how could Lucifer, a mere creature and who was probably not half as capable as the Paal Taal, pull off a similar feat? It simply was not possible especially at this stage of his evolution as a spirit-soul. Even the Paal Taal on their own would never be able to construct their own, viable universe at this stage without God's direct involvement. Such a capacity had to be earned. It could only be attained when a being was fully evolved for it did not depend upon raw intelligence: it depended upon the degree of purity of one's soul. And only God at this juncture was a pure soul.Since Lucifer could not replicate the methods the Paal Taal had used to bring about the physical universe, he decided to create a counterfeit one. This was going to be a holographic universe, a virtual reality universe similar to the world of cyberspace. This artificial domain was going to be only loosely based on the real physical universe humanoids occupied, which we now call the Old Universe. It was going to be built on material that was only a weak imitation of the building blocks of the Old Universe. Although it would be a bogus, pantomime universe, it would still be viable and capable of housing life because a spirit-soul can inhabit anything: it is not limited in anyway.Lucifer's universe was going to be founded on his own devised quantum and structural laws. These laws would be based on a methodology he himself had invented but which was not applicable either in the Central Universe or the Old Universe. This methodology is what we call mathematics. It was Lucifer who invented mathematics folks and its related branches such as physics and what is known as sacred geometry. Lucifer is the greatest scientist who ever lived because he is the inventor of science. Remember, he wasn't simply an ordinary angel: he was an archangel, one of the first such angels to be created. He therefore did have plenty of ??¢â?¬???grey matter??¢â?¬??.Employing very sophisticated techniques of a primeval brand of algorithm engineering that even today is inconceivable to the mind of ordinary man, Lucifer formulated his first frequency spectrum, his first medium of existence. That would be the headquarters of his fake universe. Now, just like God created his own multiverse and then entered it to live in it like the way we build houses or mansions and then occupy them, Lucifer along with his loyal angels entered the synthetic universe he had created to dwell in it.The creation story recorded in Genesis is not about God, the First Source, creating the cosmos. It is about Lucifer creating the cosmos, his fake universe in which we dwell. God had nothing to do with the creation of this artificial and jerrybuilt universe. It was all brought about by Lucifer, which explains why it is so chaotic, why even the little order there is always has to spring from chaos, one example of which is the Big Bang our cosmologists say gave rise to the cosmos. Note that the original Hebrew Bible does not refer to the creator of Genesis as ??¢â?¬???God??¢â?¬??: it refers to this creator as ??¢â?¬???Elohim??¢â?¬?? (a plural term, meaning the Anunnaki). The term ??¢â?¬???God??¢â?¬?? is an English interpolation. The writers of Genesis naively attributed the creation of the cosmos to the Anunnaki because that was the yarn they were fed. In truth, however, it was Lucifer who created this universe.Lucifer means ??¢â?¬???light-bringer??¢â?¬?? or??¢â?¬??? illuminator??¢â?¬??. This aspect of bringing light we find in GENESIS 1:3, which reads, ??¢â?¬???And God said let there be light and there was light??¢â?¬??. This ??¢â?¬???light??¢â?¬?? does not refer to the sun: the sun comes into existence in Verse 14. So what was this light that was in operation ages before the sun came into existence? Well, when Lucifer created this mathematically-based, computer-generated universe like we see in the famous Matrix Trilogy movie, it was dim, not in total darkness as such (like the Internet it had a bit of artificial light) and was riddled with teething problems. ??¢â?¬???And the Earth (the cosmos) was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep (space) and the spirit of God (Lucifer) moved upon the face of the waters??¢â?¬?? (the ocean of space) as per GENESIS 1:2.The physical universe Lucifer had designed was engulfed in near-darkness. So to dispel the darkness, Lucifer lit it up from the luminosity emanating from his own person (the Bible also calls him an Angel of Light). Hence, Lucifer is a fitting epithet for him because it was he who illumined the entire universe long before the sun was created. (The universe is all light. The so-called dark matter, which comprises 96 percent of the universe, we are unable to see because our DNA has been pared down from 12 strands to 2 strands. We shall dwell on this subject fully in due course).