THE TRAP OF SUPERIORITYThe sense of feeling better than others who are still be plugged into the Matrix, or who haven't had any profound awakening experiences; the lure of looking down on them is the ... View MoreTHE TRAP OF SUPERIORITYThe sense of feeling better than others who are still be plugged into the Matrix, or who haven't had any profound awakening experiences; the lure of looking down on them is the most common trap many people fall into. This is especially the case when truth-seeking is not combined with inner work. In the more extreme manifestation of superiority, we lash out on others, calling them names and attacking them personally for being ??¢â?¬???blind??¢â?¬?? and not aware (most often conducted via the internet/social media, hiding behind a screen).The delusion of superiority is, in fact, a symptom of still being plugged into the Matrix, since the Matrix feeds off of Service to Self (STS) ego separation-consciousness (with its manifestation of ??¢â?¬???competition??¢â?¬?? in people's personal and/or professional lives). We see this attitude play itself out most often in ??¢â?¬???truth seekers??¢â?¬?? who just ??¢â?¬???woke up??¢â?¬?? to the basics of the 3D matrix (the political illusion, government corruption and relating symptoms: the banking cartel, fake war on terror, lies of the mainstream media, false flag attacks, etc.) and lash out on people who are still asleep and hypnotized. In a sense, this is a normal stage as well. As the saying goes ??¢â?¬???The truth shall set you free, but first it will piss you off??¢â?¬?? (ironically enough, this was coined by CIA controlled opposition asset Gloria Steinham). So, anger is not to be judged as ??¢â?¬???bad??¢â?¬?? (spiritual bypassing), but we need to remain mindful to avoid projecting it outwardly.This trap subject also ties into shadow projection. When we get emotionally riled up and project that reactive energy onto others ??¢â?¬â?? coming from sense of superiority ??¢â?¬â?? we actually feed the occult forces in the hyperdimensional realms. It stems from the ??¢â?¬???predator mind??¢â?¬?? by which these forces work through us, triggering mechanical/reactive behaviors to produce the ??¢â?¬???loosh??¢â?¬?? frequency they feed upon. There are varying degrees of superiority complexes, with various manifestations which we all can fall into (from subtle to very apparent).As long as we have an inner sense of superiority (especially the disease of moral superiority) or ??¢â?¬???specialness??¢â?¬?? in comparison to others ??¢â?¬â?? even without any external projections ??¢â?¬â?? the matrix has its hooks in us. This can also happen to ??¢â?¬???wanderers??¢â?¬???, (individuals whose souls have incarnated from a higher density (4th or 6th density) into this 3rd density with a specific mission to accomplish in order to assist humanity), who are very identified with the wanderer (??¢â?¬???starseed??¢â?¬??) concept (seeing oneself as ??¢â?¬???better??¢â?¬?? than ??¢â?¬???humans??¢â?¬??), and the ego feeds off of this divisionary mentality. This is also how negative forces target, hijack and derail wanderers from their mission ??¢â?¬â?? by appealing to the shadow aspect of their ego.The trap of superiority is so common that it is almost a ??¢â?¬???natural??¢â?¬?? by-product of the awakening process. It can manifest itself at any given stage, even after having had a mystical awakening experience which the ego then hijacks. In other words, the ego believes itself to be awake, turning into a ??¢â?¬???spiritualized ego??¢â?¬??. Many self-proclaimed masters/gurus (or even popular figures in the ??¢â?¬???truth movement??¢â?¬??) have big superiority issues (cult of personality disorder) which their followers often feed with their ??¢â?¬???worship??¢â?¬?? and hierarchical-authoritarian programming, coming from a self-perceived inferior state of being, and thus putting another person on a pedestal.More often than not, we have no control over when thoughts/feelings of superiority enter us. It can happen as a mechanical reflex response ??¢â?¬â?? as the sudden appearance of feelings of jealousy or anger. The key is self-observation, not trying to get rid of it (the axiom ??¢â?¬???what we resist persists??¢â?¬?? applies here), to say nothing of judging ourselves for thinking/feeling that way, which is very self-defeating. Avoid trying to push it away or acting on it; instead, we keep to working on ourselves, which helps to eventually detach our vibrational field from such thought intrusions; by not identifying with them positively (accepting) or negatively (judging ourselves/forceful resistance), we can slowly release them. Patience is key here.A good thing to keep in mind that everyone reading this article was once fully ??¢â?¬???asleep??¢â?¬??, caught up in the Matrix control mechanisms ??¢â?¬â?? none of us were born ??¢â?¬???awake??¢â?¬??. We've all had our individual awakening moments, realizing that we have been believing in lies our entire lives, and that path to freedom is different for each of us. That's where compassion and empathy come in, for both ourselves and others, even though blind/unconscious people who ??¢â?¬???dream to be awake??¢â?¬?? tend to support the matrix agenda, and hence unknowingly do a lot of ??¢â?¬???harm??¢â?¬?? despite their well-meaning intentions (for example: the belief in government, engaging in the political puppet show, which stems from a ??¢â?¬???Stockholm Syndrome??¢â?¬?? mechanism which is based on social conditioning, i.e. authoritarian programming, and hence feeding into the divide & conquer agenda).It is important, though, to not fall into ??¢â?¬???blind compassion??¢â?¬?? or intellectualize compassion, which can result in a fake mask of ??¢â?¬???compassion??¢â?¬?? and pity for others, which, ironically, also stems from an unconscious sense of superiority. From a bigger picture perspective, it is also important to keep in mind that not everyone is here to awaken during this current cycle. There is nothing wrong with this truth, and there is no judgment??¢â?¬???it is merely a function of the cosmic equilibrium.