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Psychedelics » Plants and Cultivation
Natural OMT/Detox “withstand don’t withdrawal”
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Psychedelics » Plants and Cultivation
Chemistry. Make your own solvents
165 Members
What do you guys think of salvia? I never hear people talk too much about it. Does anyone actually like it? Same with 5-meo. Is it just not as pleasant or desirable as nnDMT?
2 people like this.
Ive noticed that salvia is great in small doses. Like having a small to medium hit here and there will allow more energy of you to pass through and expand the moment to a broader emotional range of expression that makes everything seem a bit more memorable.
Like May 16, 2021
Ya this was more pleasant to where i would maybe try it again without waiting 5 years this time.
Like May 16, 2021
It was light and fluffy and i used a torch lighter and it wasnt hard to hold in or harsh or anything unlike what i remember. And i held it for a few seconds and i was like oh shit what have i done kind of feeling. I then reached for whatever smoke was left and inhaled that but i mean i dont even rem... View More
Like May 16, 2021
The chewing sounds interesting but I think it smells terrible. Id rather try maybe tea or just take smaller hits. Theres actually liquid extract that i guess you can keep in your mouth for a while and it is probably similar. But try this brand captain salvia. The leaves were super fluffy and i used ... View More
Like May 16, 2021
Can anyone recommend good teks for DMT extraction if one were to use food safe and/or mostly natural solvents? In other words no naptha or lye?
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It's definitely ok to ask for teks. But i can't help with your question, sry 1f600.png but i am also interested if there is a way. Although the standard teks work perfectly. Would be nice to work with substances you are not afraid of lol
Like May 15, 2021
Sure. You can simply brew Ayahuasca that is as natural as it gets, and puke is natural. Some people where able to do vacuum distillation directly from plant material but that's finicky and more for people with a professional level of understanding on chemistry. There are some food grade extraction t... View More
Like May 15, 2021
Like May 15, 2021
Edward Scissorhands
Yeah, I wouldn't get too bent out of shape over food grade teks. Realistically, you're not smoking lye, and the amount of residual naptha is comparable to smelling gasoline. But if you insist, you can definitely use pickling lime for a base and D-limonene as a solvent. Follow gordotek and substitute... View More
Like May 15, 2021
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