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Status Update

Looking at doing an extraction using food safe limonene. Anyone ever do it this way? How did it work out?
1 person likes this.
I did. Worked out well, except that it gave me a full spectrum purplish crystal instead of white or yellow lol "full spectrum" they called it. So basically (chemistry pun) i lulled all of the other alkaloids out with the deems. Ended up putting most of it into changa and adding some more pure deems.... View More
Like November 26, 2019
Luke_skywalker did it end up in crystals like normal? Was it just the color thst was different?
Like November 26, 2019
Not sure i would call it normal, until i evaporated the water/vineger mixture. But yeah then it's a bunch of lemon smelling purple powder/flakes.
Like November 26, 2019
Tested positive for indole though *shrugs*
Like November 26, 2019