Hallo all! Hope everyone is doing ok..could you please help ID these shrooms if edible? I picked them up today in the farm from drops of buffalo poop..tia
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No..no blue bruising
April 24, 2020

Then best to assume death unless youre 110% aure of what it is haha juuuust in case
check this group out though, join and post in here...Mushroom ID they may be able to help 

April 24, 2020

Thanks ya’ll, nope i did not eat them
April 27, 2020
Hi, newbie here...just found this community and am excited to have new friends. Been on a spiritual journey since Feb this year, until it led me to learn about pschedelics. I’ve never had the honor of... View More
14 people like this.
Hello my friends! So i did it and finally really get the psychedelic world. I took 50 micrograms of 1plsd. As someone who have not taken any drug before, i think the effect to me would equal to taking a full 100 micrograms. To say the least, it was a beautiful and kind of magical experience. At some... View More
I am also new to this site, and yet to venture into the unknown. I’ve watched/ listened to alot of joe rogan and terrance mckenna... i’m excited, but also nervous to go on this adventure... but you always fear what you don’t know, so I will embrace the moment, when it happens. It’s a pleasure to mee... View More
Welcome Bish! Glad you are here friend! This is definitely the place to be if you want to expand your conciousness, and find the truth.
have you been able to check out any of the groups yet?

September 22, 2019