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Male. Lives in Mount gilead, United States. Born on March 29, 1994. Is married.
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I’m just a typical dad that loves to dabble in the world of mycology. Hope you enjoy... View More
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Some Ecuador porn for yall heathens
shared a few photos
Got these from a homie , time to clean em up!
Finally caught these boys before the spores got to em ! Not to bad for an old grain jar of an Ecuador clone!
This is from the Dubtub I posted yesterday !
I woke up in the middle of the night and caught em before they spore dumped to heavy !
But overall that’s just one massive cluster that filled the tub may... View More

6 people like this.
Haha everyone was hating on this soda bottle tek but who’s lauging now? Haha cheers mate!
Like December 11, 2020
@Noumena I just use a large cup I had on hand since I had to use the little scale lol , I used the shoebox tek turned Dub
Like December 11, 2020
shared a few photos
Got this G2G transfer done the other day of the tub that’s pushing this giant cluster . I’m loving it
Second flush monster #58.8wet #Ecuador
35 people like this.
Is that the best method to isolate a variety Gator? Interested to know. I've spores on agar atm.
Like December 2, 2020
Floydian420 from what i can read up on the shroomery thats the best way to try and isolate traits but it takes a long time. These exuadors were some of the first fruits i ever grew , and some throw beautiful curly caps so im gonna try to isolate and ill you know
Like December 2, 2020
@gatorhitch after you put spore on agar,are you gonna isolete the mycelium?
Like December 2, 2020
Psilover actually these cane from a clone plate on agar , i printed then im gonna put those spores from the print to agar brotha
Like December 3, 2020
When you fall asleep to early to harvest , and the spores come out to play lol . Still a decent tub full cluster in the back their . Solid
Ecuador t2 wbs coir/verm 1:2
This was my best unmodified tub with the cold front that came in lol .
Ecuador clonet2wbscoir/vermcolonize9daysfruiting(fanned 2x/day)
First flush 216.4wet
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Oscar Acosta
nice fruits!
Like November 25, 2020
Dext_Rose these are the pretty curly caps we were talkin about earlier !
Like November 26, 2020
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