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Dobre Mihnea Gabriel

Male. Born on September 4. Is engaged.
About Me
For now i don't do DMT (but i'm interested, even if i can't do this now) but i'm into crystals, medi... View More
Dobre Mihnea Gabriel
-you chose to go here and told me to follow you and ask
you sometimes to come back in our "dimension", you wanted that journey
-i can't believe you... (i was scare, i didn't know what to say)
-l... View More

Dobre Mihnea Gabriel
"I woke up, it's 4:20 AM but... strange, the clock wont work
WOW, that is my body on the bad! I'm in a O.O.B.E.? But strange.. in a O.O.B.E. the time moves, must be this only a dream?"
But after some... View More

Dobre Mihnea Gabriel
Hello, i'm new here. Just a traveler from a reality to the other
5 people like this.
welcome to this psicodelic highway!
Like April 22, 2019
Dobre Mihnea Gabriel
Thx, i don\'t do DMT or something but i\'m deeply into meditations, crystals, shamanism and so on I\'m an artist that want to find the best way to show my vision to the others I study philosophy, music, draw, shamanism and programming (and writing/storytelling). My goal in life is to make a kind of ... View More
Like April 22, 2019 Edited
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