The universe works in mysterious ways. It is constantly working to make available to you the tools, the resources, the people, and the lessons you need to become the person you were meant to be which ... View MoreThe universe works in mysterious ways. It is constantly working to make available to you the tools, the resources, the people, and the lessons you need to become the person you were meant to be which is why it’s so important to pay attention to signs from the universe.But, the universe doesn’t always make these things totally obvious, or even always easy.You might need to go through bankruptcy in order to finally learn the money lessons you need to create a life of true financial abundance.You might have to get laid off or fired from a job you don’t like, in order to find the job you love.Or you might have to go through a painful breakup before you’re ready to meet and fall in love with the love of your life.You might feel at times as if you’re a newspaper caught up in the wind, being blown about with no clear direction.But if you start paying attention, you will realize that the universe is sending you signals all the time that show you where you need to go and what you need to do to create the life of your dreams.
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The Spiritual Significance of Friday the 13thFor years people have been telling us Friday the 13th is an unlucky day. Horror movies have been named after this day and research also tells us that there... View MoreThe Spiritual Significance of Friday the 13thFor years people have been telling us Friday the 13th is an unlucky day. Horror movies have been named after this day and research also tells us that there is an increase of accidents on Friday the 13th. But, where did all of this come from?Before patriarchal times, Friday the 13th was considered the day of the Goddess. It was considered a day to worship the Divine Feminine that lives in us all and to honor the cycles of creation and death and rebirth.Friday the 13th was considered a very powerful day to manifest, honor creativity and to celebrate beauty, wisdom and nourishment of the soul.Friday is Venus Day and we all know that Venus is the epitome of feminine energy.Her energy joins us at the end of the week to honour the days gone by and to remind us that it is important to rest, relax and play.As a society, we all look forward to Friday (Venus day), and we all naturally find ourselves unwinding and relaxing in her comforting energy.Friday is the perfect day to embrace Venus like energy and to focus on creativity, beauty and sensuality.Venus energy also encourages us to tune into our receptive female energy in order to stimulate our creativity and bring art, music and healing into the world.The Number 13 also holds an extremely potent feminine energy and is considered to be the number of death and rebirth, creation, fertility and blood.This is because we have 13 Moon cycles every year and the average female also experiences 13 periods per year.If a woman’s periods are in sync with the cycle of the Moon, she will shed her lining on the New Moon and ovulate on the Full Moon.On average the 13th falls in the middle of the Moon cycle and represents that midway point between death and rebirth. The midway point between the New Moon, where a woman is shedding (the death) and the Full Moon, where the woman is ovulating (rebirth).by Tanaaz12
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