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Female. Is single.
Crystals, Minerals, and More
109 members General
Are you drawn to certain rocks or crystals? Are you a collector? What do the ones you own ‘say’ to you? What do the textures feel like, and what colors are they adorned with? In this group, your collection along with pictures, and any information you have: region, altitude, and any healing/psychic benefits you know about it, are encouraged. Are you drawn to shells, conches, or petrified wood? How do they make you feel when you have them nearby? The universe may have very well aligned you with a purpose. Sculptures of raw material are encouraged here too (whether you designed or purchased) show it off! If you have experiences during trips, share them here! This page is designed to showcase the beauty Mother Nature offers us; let’s adorn this page with breathtaking formations! This page will offer nothing but high vibration. Friendly and insightful dialogue warmly welcomed. See you soon! 
parallel universes, alternate realities and paranormal activity
Do you have experiences considered out of the ordinary? Have you encountered entities? Have you ever felt a chill creep out of nowhere and you know it’s not the weather? Have you seen shadows walk across a room? Have you been spooked by outside forces or been visited with messages from other worlds? Do you have dreams or premonitions that come to fruition? Do you have gifts that you’d like to share or sharpen? How often do you experience de ja vous? Would you like to know how to open or improve your third eye vision? How often have you kicked yourself in the ass for not listening to your gut? Have any stories you want to share? Are you fascinated yet? If any of these questions hit home, then you’ve found the right place to visit and stay. Here you won’t be treated as crazy, weird, or a social outcast. Here you are welcomed to share those experiences or ask questions deemed too strange to the ‘ordinary folk.’ We invite you with open arms to a place where you are encouraged to be yourself. Spook us, fascinate us, inpire, teach, or enchant us. We do however, lovingly ask that everyone share their voice, but do so respectfully. 
Anastasia's Apothecary
54 members General
Herbal remedies have been used worldwide for centuries; nature providing all the body, mind, and spirit need for a healthy, buoyant, and serene way of life. Anastasia's Apothecary is a group devoted to sharing knowledge, use, and experience with herbs, plants, roots, spices, cacti, and mushrooms from all parts of the world. From historical, medicinal, culinary, cultivation, ornamental, tonics, or essential oils, Anastasia's Apothecary is the place to share insightful discussion and most importantly honor our ancestors with knowledge passed down upon generations. All members are strongly encouraged to participate with their discoveries. It is lovingly requested that any discussions are delivered with forethought and respect amongst everyone in this community. See you soon!
Tao's Lab Room
Growers,Thinkers, Inventors, Creators, Teachers, Students, Mush and all Nature enthusiasts, Do you have wild, interesting, inspiring, experiments you’re proud of, want to share, or looking for some respectful feedback on? Have you ever been told ‘that won’t work’ but you know limiting yourself is not an option? In Tao’s Lab, you’ll be treated as the extraordinary individual you are: encouraged, challenged, and applauded for your unique skills that will surely inspire or entertain your fellow Lab pal.   In Asian philosophy, there’s an underlying principle at the core of the universe: being in harmony with the natural order of things. Give and take: You teach, someone learns. You give, someone else takes, and on and on it goes= Multiplicity.  We ask you to please be respectful of your fellow platform user. We strongly encourage you to think before you react and make this page exemplary. Let's unite in amazingness! See you soon!