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Tao Speak
364 Members
Psychology and Philosophy
133 Members

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Would you reccomend DMT to someone with depression?
3 people like this.
Lucky charms
I find that most psychoactive plant medicines help me with my depression but im no doctor do you have any prior experience trippin friend
Like November 16, 2021
This is a very grey area. What might help one person can cause psychosis in another. DMT isn't a salve to soothe pain. It's an excavator to dig deep into scabbed, scarred, infected wounds and unearth their roots. You have to be prepared for that and open to surrendering all control to feeling and ... View More
Like November 16, 2021
So like... yes, absolutely. But only when done with care and clear intent.
Like November 16, 2021
Mushrooms or lsd maybe
Like November 16, 2021