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DMT Extraction Teks
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Psychedelics » DMT
I will update with my results! Dmt vape juice.
20 people like this.
What ratios did you use? When I made them it was a 1:1 ratio of PG1f600.pngMT (1ml PG: 1g DMT). I want to experiment with the optimal ratio. On reddit people were saying they like to use a 1:1 ratio of PG/VG and then a 1:1 of the PG/VG1f600.pngMT. The battery you use is obviously a factor as well. I
Like January 14, 2023
Can you post a list of wat items I need to get started
Like January 15, 2023
@kingmayybe1 you should find what you are looking for here. https://dmtworld.net/social/groups/2/
Like January 15, 2023
Unless you have an Instagram where you post to also there is some using your images
Like January 18, 2023
Dmt is different!!!!!
1 person likes this.
Yes it is my brother
Like January 13, 2023
Half settled. It came to a 3 gram pull of dmt from 200g of bark I made powder.thats only my first pull
8 people like this.
How would you do that? Just re wash in naphtha and reextract if anything settles?
Like January 13, 2023
That's it m8
Like January 14, 2023
Yeah I'd say re x. Can definitely see some impurities and wouldn't want that touching my lungs.
Like January 14, 2023
Joey Green
Definitely some base material picked up in that when you were using your pipette to pull the clear top layer of your solution .... re-xing it is highly, highly advisable..... you can use naphtha again .... or preferably some acs or reagent grade heptane if you can source either one of those .... but... View More
Like January 14, 2023 Edited
First pull off my dmt. Almost done drying. Probably 8 hours since I threw the bark in blender.
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Like January 13, 2023
What method of vaping/smoking will you do? I recommend as safe and comfortable place as possible, first time having a sitter helped me let go. I usually meditate on my breath and remind my self to stay mindful once I hit it. Try not to give way to astonishment and write down or at least in some wa... View More
Like January 13, 2023
No break through, and I just smoked my first time. I took a pretty big hit on my Bong with no water so not to dilute it but omg. I was lucid but it was so profound
Like January 13, 2023
Shaboy, it was amazing. Everything in my room was a patern. Even the speckle ceiling that has no pattern had a pattern and my dog literally tried to enter my body lol
Like January 13, 2023
Started 6 hrs ago with bark.not powder. First yielded after 1.5 hrs of freezing after 3.5 hrs of cooking. Way faster myway than most
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Fairley White
Looking to learn faster methods, hmu if you have time
Like January 13, 2023
Nice, how much bark? Also is it STB?
Like January 14, 2023
yo hit me up if you can i’m tryna learn how to start i have very little clue of what to do
Like January 19, 2023
Any advice on how to dmt breakthrough alone? I don't have anyone to assist but do t want to waist. Obviously the best os to ha e a sitter but what if I dont?
1 person likes this.
If you don’t have a trip sitter so suggest using a wax melter like the Yocan evolve plus or the Dazz vape melter with a ceramic donut coil (won’t automatically come with the ceramic donut coil. It is an add on). One of the biggest risks is burning yourself. If using a melter isn’t an option set up a... View More
Like January 13, 2023
If you decide to go with a melter I can explain the technique and dose that works best for me. I have not personally used any other method. The melter works for me and it is safe.
Like January 13, 2023
I'll look into it
Like January 13, 2023
So just yielded a batch. Definitely close to a gram. Started 5 hrs ago with nonpowder bark
Like January 13, 2023
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