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Anyone ever taken mushrooms with a source of lactic acid? I think it might be a better/crazier version of citric acid ???? , helps to break down the solids of the mushroom much faster and should allow... View More
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Cr1msnonghost it's actually the same thing but in the blood it has a different job, it's what's leftover from the lactose after the lactase enzyme converts it. It only happens in raw and cultured dairy, better from cows too as the lactose is higher. If anyone wants to try just use live yogurts, acti... View More
January 12, 2020
Theonedudeyoudontknow, Did your doctor say raw milk? As most people can only get pasturised and homogenised dairy.
January 12, 2020
Nah just said the acids found in the milk cancel the base that is the calcium and then the remaining fats boost enzyme and acid production for me at least to a point that it make geartburb worse and will on its own make heartburn im not lactose intollerant i dont throw up or get the squirts just a... View More
January 12, 2020
He said the closest thing i can get to not upseting my stomach without going for almond juice refuse to call that crap milk is skim wich also is just white water so if i want milk i just suffer doubt i could get raw milk my understanding is its illegal to sell
January 12, 2020