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Female. Lives in Perth, Australia. Born on August 19, 1977. Is single.
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cobwobbal those sideburns and please stop with the gorkulaggens...
just putting the following here un... View More
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I have a confession.. friends.. I have a weird irrational fear of pressure cookers, from my childhood obviously my grandmother was a drama queen and something happened with one... anyway this family ... View More
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In the US you can get pressure cookers tested for cracks with a fire Marshall. I'd like to think there is something similar down under if it makes you feel safer. Obviously don't use antique cookers without them being tested.
Like August 18, 2019
Thats a terrific fun fact , its funny like thaf here and ppl seldom utilize available resources. But what you're not saying is how they test it, cuz you know it's just going to be a drunk fireman making chili in your kitchen!!!!
Like August 18, 2019
T rex ophora
My mother had an old one blown up on her when the vent clogged. Now it was certainly a mixture of mistakes but she won’t be in the same room with one and I’m now very thorough checking the valves. Those suckers gotta work!
Like August 18, 2019 Edited
T rex ophora
The one my mom had was real old. Didn’t have the safety relief valve new ones all have. They are pretty damn safe. Just scary.
Like August 19, 2019