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Agar Agar
710 Members
Whats up everybody just joined but does anyone have a really?? reliable trustworthy site for spores for microscopy and if so whats the best one that yall have found?
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Hi, welcome I am sure you will get some helpful suggestions here soon on this post. Since you are new to the site let me catch you up....when talking about anything spore related wording is everything and talking spores needs to be sited as for microscopy only.....one more thing, we got a no toler... View More
Like February 3, 2021 Edited
Bisco 4 life good to see you here man
Like February 3, 2021
Sporeworks. On the pricier side but always clean. Ive went through dozens, maybe hundreds of their syringes over the years and never had a dirty one.
Like February 3, 2021
I always liked Captain Max at Sporelab up in Canada. Ships anywhere and always got clean gear from him. Freebies too.
Like February 3, 2021
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