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49 days to go untill I go Portugal Apljourneys to open the gates of life and get the ball rolling. Anyone else been on a apljourney trip to do ayahuasca and kambo?
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No, I really want to do ayahuasca this year. Where did you find out about this retreat? I've been looking for a reccomendation but the people I've asked dont like sharing info!
Like February 3, 2020
My brother found out about it from a friend cost me all in about £1200 for 6 days check them out doing ayahuasca and kambo there is someone on here that does it locally aswell and if you really want to do it this year then it will find you. Just remember it Is very deep and will change the way you l... View More
Like February 3, 2020
There is a BEAUTIFUL, POWERFUL community in and around London holding amazing space
Like February 3, 2020
Just started to get into tarot card reading and was thinking about my vision on creating a legacy and not gonna lie after seeing these cards come out of a full deck randomly I'm impressed. What's othe... View More
1st lsd trip with Pal didn't sleep for 48hours but still woke up fresh and motivated.
Doing my 1st ayahuasca ritual in March along with kambo would anyone recommend trying kambo before I go as have the opportunity to? Have tried dmt but didn't really take enough just saw visions like y... View More
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