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Status Update

Watched that new Joe Rogan talk with Graham Hancock and Brian Muraresku... Mind blowing and inspiring. There's an entire story about our civilization that hasn't been told, and "leaders" want me to wa... View More
19 people like this.
Listening now, thats for the recommendation - fascinating.
Like October 6, 2020
I finished Brian's audiobook the other day and man am i glad i didn't try to read it. He uses a lot of old greek, italian and latin that having him read it let me focus more on the work and less on trying to figure out three different languages
Like October 6, 2020
Yeah, he spoke like 6 different languages on Joe's podcast too 1f602.png Cool af though!
Like October 6, 2020
Just finished it. The dedication of that guy! More amazing considering he’s never tripped. Joe and Graham trying tooo hard to change that!!!
Like October 7, 2020