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Male. Lives in Los Angeles, California, United States.
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Computer programmer and Artificial Intelligence researcher who is enamored with the nature of our ex... View More
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Physics and Metaphysics
Simulation Theory
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Physics and Metaphysics
Sacred Geometry and Fractals
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Physics and Metaphysics
You'll be able to change the color map of the set, and the UI will be made in Tkinter. Follow my account to stay posted (2/2)
I lost my moldivate, so im going to be taking some quartz and some opalite with me on my next pilgrimage. I'll be taking 5meo for the first time on the 16th. Been waiting years for this experience, wi... View More
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It's never a matter of luck so I'll wish you a beautiful and enlightening journey. 2665.png
Like December 15, 2021
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