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Status Update

I have had only one psy experience 15 years ago. I've been researching DMT and psilocybin for 3 + years. I am ready now. Any help, suggestions, advice. etcc etc etc etc etc would be great. I am in t... View More
2 people like this.
Well you have a lot of wild active species in your area. I'd start looking, maybe join a local mushroom club or participate in a foray.
Like July 27, 2019
Yup! i look all the time. I haven't found anything I'm 100 on yet but im new to finding it
Like July 27, 2019
Ozric Starshine
Learn to extract your own DMT. It’s the most rewarding that way
Like July 27, 2019
huh. I'm pretty up on the rest of the stuff, but not that. further guidance?
Like July 27, 2019
cyans are stronger, you are saying? my understanding is there really is no worry for hero dosing, other than finding answers and some deep places etc..
Like July 27, 2019
First time take 5g, not too heroic, not to make you not to do that again 1f600.png
Like July 27, 2019