Pulled out the dmt to share with a buddy. Party setting of 5 people. Doses were supposed to be kept low.
I overestimated one of my tokes and left the garage and laid down in the driveway away from everyone to recover, or blastoff?
Suddenly, like a Cheshire cat is this completely black creature. Female hominid. Reminds me of the Animaniacs, but all black (pitch black). She was very calm, kinda laughing and practical. Animated, and very real looking. No clue what the creature was saying. We wer...
Hike was challenging, lsd doesn't enhance my performance. Lost my ego a few kms in. I don't recommend. 500ug is plenty enough for visuals and an amazong time... I couldn't navigate at all. Thought I died and was living a dream.
Wild roses, american dogwood and a very beautiful variety of trees and other plants poking up through the snow made this trip one to remember.
Eyeballed a little chunk of the Jimmy. Sammiched er between some undesirable ground up marijuana stems and leafs that have been sifted thoroughly.
Took as much as me lungs could take. I barely made it back to my bed in time to lay down because I started to shut down quickly... I laid down and closed my eyes and let go. I knew before this point that i was in for a treat! Didn't take long before the jester entities were manipulating everything and showing off their 3D art skills. Morphing together...
I have some jungle that was horse-extracted w/toluene. So I attempted to blast off on the jungle earlier. Haven't had a deep experience with it yet, my first only attempt was mild, didn't quite leave the waiting room. Different colours and pattern styles than I normally see.
About 2 hours ago, I loaded up a fair dose. An amount I figured I'd blast off with. I proceeded to smoke the jungle parsley sandwich in my pipe, 2 decent tokes, and a third to finish the bowl. As I hold it in I feel dmt sim...
So I was feeling bored lately, and I've been noticing low dose dmt stimulates my gut, alot. Not sure what's happening down there but right after every time I vape some I feel hungry, and I feel activity in my gut and my gut makes noises. I decided today that I was gunna try vaping 1 hit everyday and see how that impacts my digestive system. Today is day 1. I decided I'd take my 1 rip right before I hopped in the shower for a trippy ass shower. I ripped the pipe, (standard metal weed pipe from co...
I was waiting for this guy to bring me some shrooms so I could buy some several years back. He never showed up. So I went home later that night, and on my way to the door, I saw in the middle of the hallway one of our kitchen chairs upside down. And he was pacing in and out of the kitchen. I walk in and he stays in the kitchen. I walk in the kitchen and I saw his quarter pound stash on the table, he filled a bowl with buds, and the milk bag holder (very uncommon device in the US) was empty besid...
I'm learning more about these "machine elves". They appear very intimidating as they are deep in the dmt realm for me. Past all the geometry. To get there the ego must be dissolved. Once you are there, coming back is rather difficult. Every time i try to do something to ground myself, they mock me. The background behind them isn't space like. Its dead white. They constantly construct things with intricate complex patterns. I can never remember what they look like but whatever I see there just bl...
So I been hitting low doses of dmt in my pipe lately, sometimes some off white crystals, or yellow, and lately I been experimenting with low doses jim jam. I had 2 tokes and was able to get some good visuals (cevs) going, but for what I had put in my pipe, I expected more. After enjoying those for atkeast 5 mins I decided I'd go put my pipe away and try 3 large tokes tomorrow. I grabbed my pipe and there was parsley unburnt everywhere so I tapped it hard to loosen them,and I figured it try to ta...
The original plan was to take the L and go for a walk. I threw on some beats, and they took over, I walked around the block and the lights and sounds were starting to take over, mindblowing colours designing everything that I tried to focus on. I changed my mind several times and after walking around random blocks in my neighborhood trying to figure out if it was even a safe idea to leave my house or if I'd be ok to go on a walk. I sat there for a while at a park a couple blocks from my house. J...
I eyeballed some yellow dmt that had reacted with a trace amount of cbd isolate causing it to clump together and turn purple in some spots. With plenty of prior experiences I knew what to expect, I cant recall the entire first portion, it was very manageable and was great. But once the ego dissolved things got crazy, i was in panic mode thinking maybe I killed myself, my visions changed in sync with my every thought, toying with my mind.
It seemed my mind created a face that was my own I attem...
It's been a while since I vaped DMT.
I decided to seek advice from higher powers on what should be my next move workwise. I got fucked financially when last minute they decide I cant do my school program this summer, they also decide I'm not getting my student loan or grants I was approved for months ago because I'm not in school now. No wonder they kept pushing the date back for my money to come in. So now I'm on the job market with 3 possible opportunities. I just cant make up my mind alone. S...
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I had always been under the assumption that Dmt is identical to the experience of dying.
Long before I ever tried dmt I have always told my gf when i come back from losing consciousness that it feels like i just died.
Having tried both, I've been tempted to share my last experience of cardiac arrest (which is basically the same as all the rest) and subjective comparisons I have made between the 2 experiences.
My problem is low blood pressure.
I was in to the hospital having an implanted device...