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Anyone had any experience with Acacia Maidenii? I've got one growing in my backyard.Can you just smoke the bark or do does the dmt need to be extracted?
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My educated guess is that you can not smoke the bark man, sorry. Extract is pretty simple though and there are plenty of teks on here or DMTNexus
Theres an extraction group here, if you post in there, all the people interested in this stuff will get a notification and see your post, that way they c... View More
July 24, 2019

Thanks man, I'll check that group out. I guess I was being a bit lazy hoping to smoke the bark! Time to learn how to extract 

July 24, 2019

You really only need Lye to lower it's PH level to bacify it. Then Naptha, which is commonly used in lighter fluids. Just find one that doesn't have other chemicals. Naptha evaporates 100 percent. As I understand it, the Naptha pulls the crystals out of the bacified bark. I'm not sure it the Acacia ... View More
July 24, 2019