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Status Update

Brand new here and have questions but dont want to annoy everyone so if there is a place or group for new people could someone point me to it pls or send me a pm
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Ozric Starshine
Questions about?
Like April 21, 2020
So Im older now and the only exp I had ever was with shrooms many years ago. I would have no clue where to start now and where I would even get anything to try
Like April 21, 2020
Had no idea people are getting healed physically and I desperately want/need that
Like April 21, 2020
Ozric Starshine
maybe try a mushroom cultivation group and ask questions until you get your answers. As to where to get? In here its grow your own. This is only a place to find info, not products. Except whats in the marketplace.
Like April 21, 2020