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by on June 23, 2020
7g shrooms .400mg DMT Started eating the chocolate. When it kicked in it didnt seem very potent for 7g. Not really much for visual and even with eyes closed I've seen far more... ...
194 views 10 likes
by on March 10, 2020
Found this trip report from last year some time. 15g trip ...
272 views 5 likes
by on March 9, 2020
Always have smoked DMT in my basement suite. So I figured I would go outside. Up a mountain where the view is great and trip that way.... Put on Tool fear innoculum on (listening to the order backwards. I enjoy it that way) No food since last and it's 4pm now. Took 2 hits. Didn't really seem to effect too much... So I took a 3rd. :) Not sure how much I took. ...
167 views 8 likes
by on March 2, 2020
Well holy fuck... I took about 3 big hits of DMT. I was in some fucked up boxy world box everywhere every was completely random. Greyish type place. It felt so normal but so completely fucked up. Such random shit. Really felt a sense of your brain and signals shooting everywhere putting together whatever info it wants to process. It was a weird weird place. ...
131 views 4 likes
by on February 25, 2020
Peyote 14g Fasted 24 hours (ate a little bit of dinner before hand) Never done before 12-14 hours ...
259 views 3 likes
by on February 12, 2020
Trip #3 Smoked big joint and completely packed bowl of what i had left. Just after my 2nd trip With changa When i lied down and closed my eyes. I was like getting beamed up into some world. it was that same yellow as before the last trip. Shapes andthings everywhere. In awe of a shape of what reality could even be. Everything functioning on its own. I cant explain it. I saw a glimpse of a world a door like huge movie scene type look about to go into. Then it closed and went back to that freaky m...
67 views 2 likes
by on February 12, 2020
2nd Time Trip Report: Much calmer than first.time was able to understand more. But I think I could have done more So i just finished doing a bowl of DMT/Changa...
69 views 0 likes