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by on January 8, 2023
Happy New Year Everyone hope all your dreams and aspirations either come true or you are in the process of making it happen.   New Year New Perspective ...
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by on April 9, 2021
Ok normally I have been posting others stuff I find of interest.. anyway I decided to load the spice and face my fears ..whoa what a realization I had... Yaldabaoth is this morphing serpents name...How do I know? I asked him mid trip.He's over my shoulder even now as I'm coming down and wants me to say he created the world and all that's in it. I told him bullshxt he doesn't now who I really am... Divine Man and I come from beyond both time and space...Crazy fxckin trip...I was in middle of a ba...
584 views 11 likes
by on November 27, 2019
So I have quite a bit of golden DMT spice and considered myself a seasoned psychonaught decided to say fuck it all and go "All In". Used a WillyMyco supercharger plastic bottle vape so don't scorch my spice and can get big beautiful clouds. I was good to go happy camper ready to break through the veil and get some insights into life from an alternate point of view.  So I did the legal 3 (power hits) and one more just so the Spirit knows I surrender to the journey it will take me on. First hit...
453 views 35 likes