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Male. Lives in Columbus, United States. Born on September 26, 1979. Is in an open relationship.
About Me
Weird and prickly. Into the paranormal and the occult (druidry, demonology, UFO’s, Mothman, cryptids... View More
Simulation Theory
553 Members
Physics and Metaphysics

Status Update

Hi all! Just signed up here. Super interested in the intersection of entheogens and the occult, and occultism and the paranormal.
7 people like this.
Well you have come to the right place, welcome!
Like September 1, 2019
T rex ophora
Welcome to the family! Check out the groups. There are a few right up your alley i bet! I have a few books in those areas of discussion as well. Some ive put in the bookshelf group; others i havent yet but will eventually!
Like September 1, 2019 Edited