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Male. Lives in United States. Is single.
The New to DMT Group
1600 Members
Psychedelics ยป DMT
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Im about to be spice makin for the first time. Any tips? Im using cybs
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I gotta ask, what's the Playtex for?
Like May 31, 2021
They are rubber gloves. Playtex brand
Like May 31, 2021
Ahhh ok makes more sense now hahahaha I was like racking my brain. I'm like they're obviously for absorption, but how? Like I know what you're cooking there, but where do the tamps come into play? Hahahaha I didn't know Playtex even made gloves. But go figure.
Like May 31, 2021 Edited
Do not shake your jars, gently roll and turn them end over end.
Like May 31, 2021
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I ate a 3.4 gram mushroom of these last week and it felt like a smooth car ride. I wonder what this will entail
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New dab rig from a neat artist named space kassel
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I hope it is good for me laughing.gif
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46 down the Hatch?
Like February 28, 2021
My friend told me to soak some shrooms in lemon juice for a half hour
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Did it last night. Hits fast and hard. Enjoy!
Like February 6, 2021
I was always told 20 mins. Supposedly after that the good stuff starts to diminish. A side to side would be cool.
Like February 6, 2021
Lemon tek is the best!
Like February 6, 2021
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