April 16, 2019
367 votes 596 views

Curious to see.. For me i like different psychs for different reasons.. However, if i had to choose itd be mushrooms, as you can have a hyperspace type trip on a high dose/potent strain, you can have huge subconscious healing, or have enlightning experiences, while physically re wiring your brain to. It seems shrooms do it all! 

24 people like this.
Definitely mescaline containing cacti. Dosing every two hours on the come up can make for weekend neuro genesis of pure ecstasy and thoughtful strategic mind mapping. St Peter is forgiving and accepts the willing mind.
Like May 18, 2019
Pure DMT, no such option here...
Like July 1, 2019
Spyorg Plaird Yppah
LSD then smoke salvia with nitrous or ether is one of my favorite combos
Like August 30, 2019
@dmtastic why do you have dmt/aya? and not separate?...
Like January 1, 2020