Did using psychedelics change your religious views? If so please explain why or how and how it still effects you to this day.
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This poll data now exists on Twitter and I tagged 10 global organizations working with psychedelic research including MAPS: https://twitter.com/Greenthumb_one/status/1222977742024716295?s=19
Considered myself more atheist than anything, without even giving a fuck about it.
Ever since psychedelics. Ive slowly gained the belief that something special has to be here, within all of us.
After my firts acid trip i lost all faith not the cids fault was in an imposible place in my life then after i had my first peyote i became a deep beliver in native american church but after seeing a lot pf wiered and f up stuff by some horible people who where trying to become apart pf the nac i ju... View More