Neil Eastwood
on November 18, 2020
Something i scrawled on a mirror a couple years back in the midst of meth addiction. Found it in my Google photos tonight, and I'm thankful that i realized, it takes more work than it's worth. If anybody out there is struggling with sobriety, needs an ear, or just wants to talk, I'm here. Having a hard time lately myself, been slipping, but i know i got this. One love!
Dimension: 720 x 861
File Size: 751.82 Kb
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Constant Circles
You do not believe what they teach in the rooms that addiction is a disease ?
Like November 18, 2020 Edited
My bro would 100% agree after kicking some seriously bad habits that almost killed him several times. His mantra is "Don't trust the needle, it lies." so far he's doing excellent on being clean. Mom's unfortunately been relapsing and getting back into those bad circles of friends and sad to say- it... View More
Like November 18, 2020
We are all dopamine junkies, just people that deliver let say "worse" habbits than others, and usually those habits tend to bond to the ego thinking its in your soul (which its not, you can mold your soul to your wish) those worse habbits also tend to produce less dopamine which leads to some seriou... View More
Like November 18, 2020
It does take work....16 yrs clean from meth here.....loved that needle in my arm loved me and my kids more though.......Its still work staying away from it every day.
Like November 18, 2020