on November 15, 2020
Got my "Direct To Base" method going pretty good.
Dimension: 1200 x 2535
File Size: 416.8 Kb
13 people like this.
Very good, good job
Like November 15, 2020
Do you just freeze it then base? Or no cell wall break down at all. Also im wondering if you dont do the cell wall break down do you use extra lye to rip it up or does it do it enough with the normal amount
Like November 15, 2020
I do equal parts Mimosa Root & lye (50g each) in about 600 ml of water. Let it sit for an hour, so it's still warm when I add naphtha. If I notice the naphtha turns yellow when I separate it, I know I probably have to do two freeze rounds to get all of the fat out of it.
Like November 15, 2020 Edited
I just want to share my two cents about that compairing my own process. Personally i try and conserve my materials as much as possible and ive gotten 2%-3% yields and i use 100 grams 100 ml vinegar and maybe 5 grams of lye. Seriously low amounts that 5 i feel is overkill as we want. My first few run... View More
Like November 15, 2020