on November 11, 2020
Hey guys, first post!
So.. i'm attending a sacred ceremonial event now in a few days to take 5MeO-DMT for the first time. I have experience with quite a few other different psychedelics as it is over the years, acid being the one to help open my 3rd eye, which led to my current journey in wanting to advance to a higher spiritual level. I was wondering do you all have any advice how to make the most of this experience? What to do / not to do? Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
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Nothing can prepare you for it. It's so different from anything else. One advice is of course to keep medicine in as long as you can, when you want to exhale - don't. Your body will exhale once you're off to your journey. Don't eat before it. At first it will be intense, like cosmic orgasm. Then yo... View More
Like November 12, 2020
Trust and surrender. Also, avoid using other substances for at least 48 hours before the ceremony. Everyone may not do that or agree, but most people i know who lead bufo ceremonies recommend that.
Like November 12, 2020