on November 6, 2020
This resonates with me
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Joey Green
Sometimes, the desire to seek out "truth" is less of a spiritual pursuit and more of an egotistical one. What if, "The Truth" was just simply beyond our capabilities to comprehend while we still inhabit this material manifestation of "reality"? What if, we are the "truth" we seek? But we are simpl... View More
Like November 9, 2020
TFW A total stranger on an anon online forum explains my entire life of being born spiritually awake and so acutely self-aware in less than a gd paragraph. I feel so seen.
Like November 10, 2020
seeeee, what i think is interesting is the fact that ego death could be our idea of truth. we will never experience full ego death until we die, just as we will not see the "truth" until we die. they really go hand in hand. theres different stages to ego death, just as there are various "truths." me... View More
Like November 10, 2020
Like November 10, 2020