on November 2, 2020
Im gonna need some feedback on this, this was a day after harvest when i actually noticed it, is the block and the mushrooms from the first harvest garbage?
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Oh friend, there are definitely signs of trich here. It will still fruit and I say this from first hand experience, but it all depends on how much work and risk you're willing to put in. Depending on what kind of contam I have, I quarantine the tub and keep it away from my other bins. If you choose ... View More
Like November 2, 2020
Fantasma thx for the input man, i might just bury it outside, but would you say the shrooms that grew on it before are safe? And what about ones that grow after i bury it, would those be safe or no?
Like November 2, 2020
@Rbwj0623 You're welcome! You're talking to COntam Queen, about the only thing I'm good at doing 1f609.png Joking aside, yes I've eaten them without issues. I'll see if I can find pictures from fruit I've grown out of trich tubs. Your prerogative though. Make sure they're cracker dry though. If you don't fee... View More
Like November 3, 2020 Edited