on October 30, 2020
Found these bad boiis at walmart for $0.94 a piece!
Dimension: 3264 x 2448
File Size: 1.8 Mb
18 people like this.
Joey Green
Awesome find! .... Ive been an avid collector of mushroom motif do-dads for many years (much to the dismay of any females Ive cohabitated with lol)...... and I still smile broadly whenever finding a new one! Those towels are far from "tacky" ..... but I have a few that could definitely fall under t... View More
Like October 30, 2020
I honeslty didnt know much about amanita muscaria until we watched Hamiltons Pharmacopia. And i was like omg these mushrooms are everywhere!!! Watch the new nutcracker movie and watch in the backgeound during the ballet part. Fucking amanita muscaria props in the background. Of a disney movie.
Like October 30, 2020