on October 21, 2020
Any pros out there got some advice? This is a 6qt shoebox with shredded B+ brf and coir (1:1)
I feel like the fruits are underwhelming but this is my first grow so idk
Dimension: 3024 x 4032
File Size: 3.68 Mb
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I dont believe that PC’ing affects nutrients. It does, however, kill off benificial becteria that leave the sub more contam-prone.
Like October 22, 2020
If you sub is only coir, then there is no advantage, just use distilled water
Like October 22, 2020
Yeah. When i pressure cooked mine for an hour. Then after that i put the left over nutrients into a container to use later. I highly recommend when you guys go to hydrate your grain to use those nutrients to soak it. Mycelium absolutely love it and it will help colonization
Like October 22, 2020
@rzalala. I dont think pcing effects nutrients that much. I pc that stuff just so everything is sterile. I have fruits growing in my tubs, so shes going good so far 1f642.png
Like October 22, 2020