on October 20, 2020
I love that prompt. "Whats in your mind" lol, n e taking my therapy as needed. Im about 10 minutes in and it occurs to me why we meditate. To connect to our higher selves and evolve,Trancend,transform its been happening for years to the point we are today from where weve come from just looking back over the last 100 yrs is mind blowing and we never stop to think it took everyone of us to get here... Its a radical idea but seems to me we are in the cusp of a new age and way of thinking here and communicating. Corona virus is a novel which means certain one of a kind corona which is a crown disorder. Attacking disease with bad intent makes for worse intent. Being intouch with our higher senses in our crowns doesnt allow the virus which is here for a reason dont forget it to mutate and dies there. Studies of peoples happiness levels being raised all the time by meditation. Why cant we attck a virus in the same realm? Dmt flooded in the lungs i believe could be the key as with Mush. Of this earth comes a virus and of this earth is a cure. Radical i know but when you take away that ability for a virus to grow it dies and in our evolution why couldnt this be more true. Thats why dmt made the top schedule list cause there would be to many happy healthy people and companies wouldnt profit from this. Our bodies already produce it so flood the body meditate and dont buy into the fear but be safe wear a mask cuz thats only what was in my mind... Love you all????
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