on October 19, 2020
There seems to be a lot of people who are not understanding that this place is not an open market for sourcing illegal substances. This rule is a no tolerance rule and you will be banned, so let me express how important the use of your words and wording are on this website is. There are several things that will get you sited as illegal sourcing that is; asking to sell, buy or barter, using words such as "I wish I could find", "I don't have a source", "haven't been able to locate"....and phrases a long those lines will be deleted and we will notify you about it, multiple offenders will be banned, same goes for "is anyone in this area" unless it's in a location group..
We would like to keep this site up and running so others may enjoy this beautiful place with us. If we see a post that may elude to illegal sourcing such as posting pictures of large quantities of substances and there is nothing posted telling about the pictures we will remove the pictures and let you know why.
Contact info like your wickr, your signal, you whatsapp, so on and so forth are not allowed on here either. Please respect what we have got going on here. This site is for knowledge and discussion, we ask you treat it as such. We do not allow any discussion of the dark or deep web in this forum, there are other places that those conversations can be discussed at, they will be removed if we see them.
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Like October 20, 2020
last I checked equipment is not illegal so you could, in order for you to do that you would have to upgrade your account to at least a merchant account to you could have access to using the marketplace for any sales of legal items such as equipment and/or tools. You can upgrade your account... View More
Like October 20, 2020
cheers, I will keep that in mind. Thanks for answering my stupid question 1f642.png
Like October 20, 2020
You're welcome I didn't find it stupid at all I found it inquisitive. ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Like October 20, 2020