on October 15, 2020
The spiritual community's some what of a joke these days.
The moment some gain a little enlightenment they immediately want everyone to know just how special they are.
Look at me, I'm a light worker, I'm a shaman, I'm a star seed. We're all light workers, everything is light.
We're all star seeds, we come from the stars. We're all made of star dust, therefore we're all aliens to some degree.
We're of this planet & yet we are not.
Just because you did some Ayahuasca, doesn't mean you're a shaman either. Why this need for false titles?
It's your ego trying to separate you from source.
I encourage all of you to seek the greater mysteries, in silence. Always remain a humble servant.
Humility is one thing most people lack these days.
True initiates don't claim false titles or special abilities.
They work under the veil of night, seeking liberation within & never seek accolades for what they know.
Only charlatans will dangle keys, the path, or the way in front of your face.
I understand people get excited in the beginning & want to share, but again, this only connects us to the "I" which is our ego.
It's imperative we remain silent in our work.
Anyone doing otherwise doesn't have a full understanding of how the laws of the universe work.
Guide people to go within & to seek wisdom from the past.
It's a dangerous game to play when we start making false claims to pry on the innocence of our peers.
The moment you stop seeking praise & attention for what you know, the doors will open up for you.
Also, we all have an ego & anyone telling you otherwise is lying.
I don't claim to be an initiate of anything.
I'm simply a student of the occult, which means I seek to know the unknown.
I'm not a light worker, I work in the dark.
I'm not an empath, I simply have intuition, we all do. I'm not a star seed, an indigo, or anything else.
I'm simply a work in progress.
There's an epidemic within these spiritual communities & I see very few people actually doing the work, because they're too busy trying to prove something.
You have nothing to prove to anyone but yourself.
Art by Maarten Donders, IX The Hermit
Written by Carrie Love
Dimension: 1080 x 1349
File Size: 120.83 Kb
67 people like this.
Like October 17, 2020
Wish i were able to like multiple ×'s!!
Like October 17, 2020
Indigo children were what they called kids with autism before we called it autism or asburgers disease they have bad social skills but otherwise are normal people.
Like November 10, 2020
Enlightenment is knowing how much you dont. The moment you have a question about self, know that was shit or shed from the core center of 6 proton 6 electron 6 carbon, or whatever someone else spoke that is not a thought of your own. I have never found a way up a trail i didnt help my dog up vs. Lea... View More
Like November 11, 2020