on October 6, 2020
Back to the mushrooms :) I need some pros from here to have a look at my brick. It is second flush from this one and there is a loooot of heads poped out but also I noticed small points of white "mold" here and there. Is it something to worry about?
Dimension: 487 x 960
File Size: 66.54 Kb
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I cant see anything to worry about in the photo, although you sub does look a little dry on the surface, did you rehydrate after the first flush? im no expert either
Like October 6, 2020 Edited
I didnt hydrate before second one cause I didnt have time to do that as the second flush started growing as soon as I removed first one. I just keep humid very high for first days and sprayed little bit water on top so brick would get little moisture. From what I read this is cobleweb mold and it li... View More
Like October 6, 2020