on September 29, 2020
Anyone know what this is on my mea? The same thing happened to my entire first batch it’s only in one this time
Dimension: 1200 x 1600
File Size: 149.13 Kb
5 people like this.
here you go, I tried it once but went back to my original recipe Coffee Agar Mix 500ml at 15psi 55 mins ... View More
Like September 29, 2020 Edited
This community is amazing so many bright people sharing info and not snobby at all like Reddit or sometimes shroomry
Like September 29, 2020
Thanks Sladds! I was having a fucking hell of a time finding an actual receipe.
Like September 29, 2020
Onetrujay this place is way better than the other established platforms. We just want to help people out. We all know you can go google it, but its so much nicer and easier to get the information directly. I encourage you to ask as many questions as you can here man. Get learnt, son!
Like September 29, 2020