on September 27, 2020
Update on these, the smaller tote seems discoloration is spreading but is growing fruits, and bigger tote seems to have lost some of the discoloration what would you guys do?
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Tbh thatvwoukd already be buried outside. If you have any other projects going i woukd get then away from these bins. Looks like Thrichs and once theyre at this stage they are not friendly to others
Like September 27, 2020
Ya man trash em an start over!! Even the fruits thats just me althought they may be fine i see it like this, i want the cleanest an happiest anything unsightly i trash gives ya a reason to do more!! Just my opinion but good luck my friend
Like September 27, 2020
Ya i buried them out in the back earlier next to my compost pile and poored some leftover coir and soil over it i got tired of dealing with it i got more cakes growin rn anyway MUSH LOVE
Like September 27, 2020