on September 25, 2020
Automatic monotub it will run 30 days at 85-90% humidity, lights on at 0600 hrs off 18:00 or preferred schedule. Does have temperature control if needed. Fan cycles 10 min every hour. Couldn't do it without. im gone for 20 days a clip
Dimension: 4032 x 3024
File Size: 3.39 Mb
15 people like this.
I need to build something like this!
Like September 25, 2020
Mad myc i used straw for my last tubs and i would say yield is massive The shorrms are a bit smaller but you het a dense canopy
Like September 27, 2020
Sub, is top soil and mature. On top I used rice hulls I got them damp with a mist bottle and distilled water, you can find them, on amazon, ebay, or Google shopping search, i believe I bought them from a beer making store it being the cheapest. As far as yields i don't know this is my first run.
Like September 27, 2020