on September 11, 2020
Been shopping today, a flame thrower for metal objects sterilisation , a cute scale , an unfinished still air box , and i been collecting little tomato sauce jars for agar ... getting closer :)
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I’ve seen a lot of videos where people use fire for needle and scalpel sterilisation , but now i’m thinking it could be dangerous to use alcohol and fire inside the still air box without ventilation system
Like September 12, 2020
Andrew Cran Alcohol around 70% is the best the water content helps as appose to a higher percentage. Bleach supposedly leaves a residue (Even though it’s used in water purification and evaporates from the water with no ill effects; that we know of.). Peroxide & Vinegar I would think would be best... View More
Like September 12, 2020
thank you 1f642.png
Like September 12, 2020
first attempt of making agar was a complete failure...i used peroxide and vinegar and my still air glove box had some metal components inside ... i left the agar in the box to cool down and fell asleep, in the morning all metal pieces were rusty 1f642.png) so much acid
Like September 14, 2020