on September 11, 2020
Bought this Glass bat Vaporgenie thinking it was just as good as the VG and good substitute for the GVG.
Did some more reaserch and found out the people of Nexus says its not good for smoking spice at all...
Im thinking of ordering the classic VG but its gonna cost me more than a GVG would, and take 3 weeks to ship it to Norway.
So im gonna give it a chance before getting the VG.
Anyone have experience with it ? Tips on using i would be grateful.
If you got experience with other VG's it can be somewhat relevant
Have a good day people of DMT world.
#vaporgenie #DMT
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Im gonna try it tomorrow. Tried it once but i heated it too much. Will update. Big flaw as i see it is that thr caramic is too deep. Hard to see where the flame is, specially since its pointed away from you when smoking
Like September 11, 2020
The message was removed some guy posted a message to join the illuminati brotherhood or something to be successful
Like September 11, 2020
There can only be one cult leader here........1f602.png1f602.png1f602.png.....jk I can make room.
Like September 11, 2020 Edited
Update: after several trys, im not impressed by the Vaporgenie glass bat. It may be my technique that is very bad, i got no experience with VG pipes before this. It may be effective if you master it but im guessing both VG and GVG would be better for spice. So i ordered classic VG a few days ago, ... View More
Like September 15, 2020