on May 28, 2019
Let me know if you wanna know the scientific references too. These spiritual insights are usually more fun to copy :P
"What if the cosmos is a living, conscious being? What if space, time, matter, energy, and biological life are the body of this vast organism? What if the ultimate purpose of life is to realize that we are all one - perfect reflections of this single, vast identity? What if everything in ghee universe is conscious and alive, to varying degrees - even the lowliest gas,dust, and rocks of interstellar space? What if the basic laws of quantum mechanics create DNA and biologicallife - and the human form is quite common throughout the universe? What if we are all experiencing a deliberately designed amnesia about our deepest,truest identity - but it fades away more and more as we continue evolving? Could gentleness, kindness, patience, love, acceptance, and forgiveness be the keys that bring us into the greatest harmony with our true identity? Is this conscious universe sending us messages through synchronicity. - bizarre events most dismiss as coincidence - as it seeks to help us achieve our highest evolutionary potential? Could it be possible to use the keys of science to unlock these great mysteries - and lrove, beyond any reasonable doubt, thay they are true?"
-David Wilcock in Synchrinicity Key
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We would all enjoy reading it I'm sure 1f61b.png
Like May 28, 2019