on August 26, 2020
Kratom leaves washed, now dehydrating, then onto grinding. I cannont wait to try out my own home grown kratom! Has anyone experimented on different ways to take kratom? My grandfather baked it. It worked. Looking for other ways besides drinking a shot of it.
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You open up when you're ready! Its all up to you and if you want to take it back its perfectly fine, I still love you the same! Mush luv, homie! (Heart)
Like August 26, 2020
I don't know who you are but thankyou for you input. I wish youd stop deleting your comments i think you have potential and i hope you feel the same about yourself.
Like August 26, 2020
I know you can take a fresh leaf grip the base of the leaf and stem and pull the leaf off and chew it, discard the stem. In Thailand they only chew it and do not swallow it from reading John W Allens adventures there and surrounding regions hunting. I like fresh kratom leaves I seem to feel more moo... View More
Like August 26, 2020
Ive never done fresh kratom hence the fact im growing it now. I honestly thought if the leaves have alkaloid the whole plant would too. Thankyou for your comment and i will have to look into that. We've taken a couple leaves off a salvia plant right off the plant and chewed it up.. it did something... View More
Like August 26, 2020